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DSO HIPAA and OSHA Compliance


is one of the leading Dental Service Organization (DSO) compliance companies in the country. Our full range of services is designed to help your DSO respond to the mandates of OSHA, HIPAA, and Health Department regulations.

Our goal is simple: Take the worry out of complying with OSHA/WISHA and HIPAA regulations and assure your staff and patients that your practices are the safest possible place for them.

Reduce Risk! Our team can work with all of your practices to standardize documentation, processes, and training to help ensure regulatory compliance for your entire dental group.

Compliance Coordinator Program: Our team of experts will work with a specific individual at each of your locations to train them on the important aspects and knowledge of HIPAA and OSHA compliance. This ongoing process can dramatically improve the ability of your practices to stay safe and compliant.

Our leading-edge reputation is based on our dedication and ability to respond to client needs in direct, reliable, and accountable ways. Our "One Stop" compliance approach relieves you of the OSHA burden. We do it all for you; Let us do the leg work.

For more information, contact us or call 1-866-548-2468.
HARRIS BIOMEDICAL | | (866) 548-2468
18300 Cascade Avenue South Suite 130, Seattle, WA 98188-4746
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HARRIS BIOMEDICAL, 18300 Cascade Avenue South, Suite 130, Seattle, Washington 98188 • (866) 548-2468 • • 3/6/2025 • Related Terms: HIPAA training for Dentists •