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Coping with OSHA
How I Know Cartoon I've Been Cited by OSHA


Remember, its all about Employee Safety. If you've been cited by OSHA, you have the right to appeal the citation and demonstrate that you have provided a safe and healthful workplace and are complying with the regulations.

HARRISBIOMEDICAL has been helping dentists and physicians navigate the labyrinth of the OSHA administrative appeal process for nearly twenty years, and we can help you. Let us relieve you of the burden of the OSHA appeal so you can concentrate on your patients.

For an immediate, confidential review of your situation, contact us or call 1-866-548-2468.

I think OSHA is going to inspect my office


Most doctors simply want to know: "What does OSHA expect and does my practice satisfy these expectations?" These can be difficult questions to answer. If you are in compliance with OSHA, you have nothing to fear from an inspection.

HARRISBIOMEDICAL will evaluate your practice and guide you, step-by-step, through identifying and correcting any deficiencies. It's easy to be confident that you are in compliance with the regulations that govern your practice. You will be prepared for an OSHA inspection at any time.

For an immediate, confidential compliance review, contact us or call 1-866-548-2468. Download a facility review kit (***current link is page not found)

I'm overwhelmed by OSHA! What's required? - What's not?


It's all about employee safety. As a health care employer, these are the OSHA regulations that apply to you:

•  The Bloodborne Pathogens standard applies because you have employees with occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. This standard strictly regulates how you must protect your employees from exposure and how you must respond if an exposure incident occurs.
•  A written Exposure Control program is required.
•  Annual staff training is required.
•  Annual program evaluation is required.
•  The Hazard Communication standard applies because your employees use products that contain hazardous chemicals. This standard requires that employees understand how to use each product safely.
•  A written Hazard Communication program is required.
•  Staff training is required.
•  Material Safety Data Sheets are required.
•  Product labeling is required.
•  The Accident Prevention standard applies. Because you have employees in your place of business, certain actions must be implemented in addition to the Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communication standards.
•  An Accident Prevention program is required.
•  Staff training is required.

For more information contact us or call 1-866-548-2468.

Needlestick Cartoon We had a needle stick. What do we do now?


When your employee has an exposure incident, you must respond immediately. Exposure incidents include injuries from contaminated sharps or any blood, saliva or other potentially infectious material contact with eye, mucous membrane or non-intact skin.

For any exposure incident, you must:

•  Provide immediate post-exposure medical evaluation to the employee. The treatment offered must include a medical evaluation for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV. Document whether or not the employee chooses to pursue immediate medical evaluation.
•  Request consent to test the source patient (if known). The consent must be in writing and must include consent to test for HBV, HCV and HIV and to disclose the test results to the exposed employee. Document whether or not the source patient gives consent to test and disclose.
•  Investigate and document the exposure incident. You must document the circumstances that led to the exposure. You must also provide a copy of the documentation to the employee's treating health care professional if the employee seeks medical evaluation and/or treatment.
•  Provide a copy of the Bloodborne Pathogens standard to the treating health care professional if the employee seeks medical treatment and/or evaluation.

For more information contact us or call 1-866-548-2468. Download the HARRISBIOMEDICAL Exposure Incident Response Kit.

How do I know if my office is in compliance?


OSHA requires that you provide a safe and healthful workplace. The best way to know if your office will pass an OSHA inspection is by reviewing each of the many OSHA requirements. OSHA requires that you conduct an annual review of your safety program.

HARRISBIOMEDICAL will assist you to understand what OSHA expects and guide you, step-by-step, to identify and correct any deficiencies. It's easy to be confident that you are in compliance with the regulations that govern your practice. You will be prepared for an OSHA inspection at any time.

For an immediate, confidential compliance review, contact us or call 1-866-548-2468.

Infection Control
Employee and patient safety depends on your disinfection and sterilization procedures. These are ever changing processes due to the scientific advances in disinfection and sterilization techniques.

HARRISBIOMEDICAL can prepare a written Infection Control Program for your practice which includes procedures and protocols that ensure the best infection control possible. Order your Infection Control Program.
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PHONE (866) 548-2468


18300 Cascade Avenue South
Suite 130
Seattle WA, 98188-4746
It's like having a compliance expert on staff!

HARRIS BIOMEDICAL | | (866) 548-2468
18300 Cascade Avenue South Suite 130, Seattle, WA 98188-4746
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